Avocado Jelly Dessert Recipe (Thạch Bơ)
In hot days like this summer, one of Vietnamese Dessert Recipes you should not miss is Avocado Jelly (Thạch Bơ). It is quite strange to some of you, but trust me, it is really interesting. Especially, this dessert is really good for your kids.
One of amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes like this one is not only fresh, but also is good for health. Why don’t we try cooking it right now?
One of amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes like this one is not only fresh, but also is good for health. Why don’t we try cooking it right now?

3 – 4 avocado fruits
100ml fresh milk
3 tablespoons condensed milk
15g jelly powder
60g white sugar
1 vanilla strach pill
600ml cold water
Optional: You can extra use with jackfruit, coconut milk, grinded ice.
Step 1: Cur avocado in half, take out their seeds. Use spoon to scoop their meat and put into grind machine. Add more fresh milk, condensed milk and grind milk.
Step 2: Mix jelly powder with sugar, 600ml cold water into small pot. Use spoon to stir gently, wait for 15 minutes and cook with small heat until jelly powder and sugar are melted all. Turn off the heat, add more vanilla strach, reduce the heat.
Step 3: Pour avocado mixture in step 1 into jelly mixture in step 2, use spoon to stir well. If it is not still smooth, you can pour into grind machine and grind again.
Step 4: Pour mixture in step 3 into patterns, wait until it is no hot anymore, put in fridge. Here is the final basic step to make one of interesting Vietnamese Dessert Recipes.
Step 4: Pour mixture in step 3 into patterns, wait until it is no hot anymore, put in fridge. Here is the final basic step to make one of interesting Vietnamese Dessert Recipes.
Finally, you can enjoy it. You can only eat it or slice it and add more sliced jackfruit, coconut milk, condensed milk, grinded ice. These both ways are all delicious and fresh for hot days. Hope you satisfy with one of amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes. Good luck for your cooking and have a good appetite.