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    Vietnamese Roasted Chicken recipe (Ga Ro Ti)

    This post of Vietnamese Chicken recipes, I will show you another delicious dish, it is Vietnamese Roasted Chicken (Ga Ro Ti). This dish is rather simple for cooking. You can use it with hot rice bowl or dumpling is still amazing. And now, what you need to cook this dish is.


    1kg Chicken Meat (I prefer using leg chicken)
    4 bulb of purple onion
    Coconut Juice (Optional)
    Soy sauce, sugar, chili powder, salt, pepper.

    Step 1
    : Clean Chicken meat carefully. Most Vietnamese Chicken recipes use walking chickens (It means chickens nourish in gardens, no hen-coops.). It can bring an amazing meat for dishes. After that, use your knife and nick some lines on the surfaces of chicken meat. Next, embalm with a little salt, pepper in 20 – 30 minutes.

    Step 2
    : Sliced purple onion. Heat the oil, put sliced purple onion into pan. Then, add chicken meat and fry until it’s cooked.

    Step 3
    : Add more 1 teaspoon chili powder, sugar and soy sauce into pan, taste to suit with your flavor. Do not use too much soy sauce; it can change the color of meat. Instead of using more soy sauce, you can use salt.

    Step 4
    : Then, you add a little water, pour it into pan till water touches the surface of chicken meat. (In my secret Vietnamese chicken recipes, I usually use coconut juice instead of water). Sometime, use chopsticks to change the faces of chicken meat. Cooking until all water (coconut juice) embalms into meat, turn off the heat.

    Finally, you can serve it with vegetable. Using with rice, sandwich or dumpling is still delicious. Most Vietnamese Chicken recipes are rather easy for cooking. However, it is required many skills when processing it. This dish can help you change the boring daily meals for your family, especially in weekends. Good Luck to you.

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