Marmite Chicken is probably more famous than Bovril Chicken (Gà Bovril). But since I only have Bovril at home, Bovril Chicken it shall be then. It is also my very first try and I am quite pleased with how it turned out. I searched some information about this one, it is so strange that many people know it and consider it is one of Best Vietnamese Food.
There are two major steps to make this Best Vietnamese Food. The first step is to fry the chicken and the second is to cook the Bovril sauce before coating the chicken with it prior to serving. You will need to have fast hands with cooking the sauce because the sauce can dry out pretty fast.
Remember that if you add too much water (to prevent drying out), it could be too runny and it is not as nice. Anyway, do not let that fear you into trying this dish. It’s actually an experiment on my part and it works. Marinade chicken for 30 minutes or longer and deep fry till golden brown and then set aside.
Leave approximately 2 tablespoons of cooking oil in wok and sauté garlic and onions till fragrant. Add seasoning and water and bring to boil. Return fried chicken pieces to wok and stir well to coat the sauce over the chicken. It is the end of making this Best Vietnamese Food. Now you can remove and serve it hot with rice. They are really wonderful match. I have to confess that I eat more than 3 bowls of rice when using it with.
Even it is one of Best Vietnamese food, this dish is hardly served at restaurants in Vietnam. Therefore, if you want to enjoy this one, there is only way that you have to make it by yourself. I hope you can make it better than me because I failed three times when making it till got success on it.